Friday, March 13, 2009

Service With A Snarl

Oh JB, you've done it again!

I don’t remember a time when I have received good customer service when at the counter of JB HiFi. When shopping around for electric or electronic equipment I think JB is one of the best places to go to. These guys know their stuff. They have specialists in each department and most of the time will be forthcoming with information and provide answers to the questions you never remember to ask. It’s a different story when it’s time to head towards the payment counter. There is usually a queue to wait in and at sale times this is not a shop you want to enter.

The staff look like misplaced musos and artistes with their messy hair, 5 day growth, multiple piercings and 2nd hand clothes (not that there is anything wrong with that). They will not make eye contact with you or say hello, just challenge you with their knowledgeable attitude to put your CD’s on the counter and show them what your taste in music is. If you ask a question you will be met with a response that offers no openings for any further verbal contact. Something resembling a mumbled “thank you” is all that you will get. It is best you just take your purchase and leave.

My Store!

Myer staff are a friendly, chatty bunch aren’t they? Amongst themselves that is.
Myer is a great place for leisurely browsing and shopping in general but the staff is their biggest letdown and they have a reputation that is almost unchallengeable. Never mind about the constant renovations which see you entering what you thought was Ladieswear, only to find yourself in Electrical. Whenever there is a discussion on customer service Myer staff always get a mention as they are up there with the best of the worst.

When ready to make your purchase or simply ask for directions and so on, staff can be found in small groups at the register least likely to be used. Some gossip will be passing between them and you are not to interrupt until they have finished. If you do happen to make a faux pas and say “excuse me” or “hello”, don’t expect a reply. Susan needs to know what happened to Jenny (who nobody likes) when she left the club and if John from Menswear picked her up. The first words that are spoken to you are, “do you have Flybuys or Myer One?” The transaction will be finalised, you will be thanked and if you are lucky you will get a smile before they return to continue with the story that you so rudely stumbled upon.

You may even be luckier to strike a staff member who responds to your question, “oh, I don’t actually work here.” It’s then that you see the “Visitor” sticker. These people are most likely to be standing, staring with vacant eyes in the perfume department.

Nova the Independent!

The home of Melbourne’s favourite independent cinema is the purple decorated Nova. It is also the home to some of Melbourne’s most surly and ignorant staff I have ever come across on a regular basis. Like JB, you will be met by skinny, grungy artist types who have no interest in you whatsoever. Don’t dare ask a question as a curt reply and slight snarl will offend.

It’s not really good enough for them to have the best choc tops in town and the best selection of current films and then spoil it with the patronising attitude of the staff. I think the only person who has ever said hello to me is someone I know at the box office. The worst ones are the ticket checkers at the entrance. No eye contact, no greeting, no smile, no cares. They are also guilty of not pausing their conversation for you.

Don't Call Me Babe!

As customers we can be hard to please and I am definitely one of those who will ark up and gladly relay my experience to others. I will probably return the surly look I received and mumble something as I walk off. I can’t stand it when 18 year old girls greet me at the clothing rack with a joyous “hi darls, how are you today? On your lunchbreak are you? How’s your day going? I will just be over here if you need anything hon(ey). We have 20% off everything today!!!” I will say hello, try to smile and quickly avert my eyes so as to not invite a conversation about how I came to be in the shop in the first place. Equally I can’t stand it when I want some attention and don’t get a small acknowledgement for being in the store as this is generally when I want some help.

No one is allowed to call me babe, no one! Ever!


Margaret said...

Love it! Remember Dimaru? Me and my teenage friends at the time were once chased out of the kitchens my a knife wielding chef (ok, time may well have added the knife to his hand which probably wasn't there... but he was quite grumpy). We had actually been looking for the exit, and the chef was quite bemused when we showed him the exit sign which led us into his kitchen! That place was a nightmare. Although JB is worse!

King Kong said...

As one of the esteemed who worked at the purple palace, I will agree that they are a surly bunch. However, their astute knowledge of all things art is without question, like walking into a masters degree. Architects, playwrights, musicians, painters, photographers, vitoculturists, landscapers, singers and even trained dancers.
I'd rather that and a good film to a pimple headed emo serving me country sized popcorn and a chuppa chip for 4 bucks.
All that said, cinema 1 and 6 are the worst in Melbourne while cinema 10 is heaven in a small box.